Official name: Kyrgyz Republic
Location: The Kyrgyz Republic is a country located in the north-eastern part of Central Asia. It borders with Kazakhstan in the north, with Uzbekistan in the west, with Tajikistan in the south-west, with China in the east and south-east.
Total area: 199,900 km2
Capital: Bishkek, with population of 1.1 million people
Languages: National language is Kyrgyz (it belongs to the Turkish family of languages), official language is Russian (widely spoken)
Administrative division: 7 regions, 40 administrative districts, 22 cities and towns, 429 rural municipalities
Largest cities: Bishkek, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Karakol, Talas , Naryn .
Population: 6.3 million people
Population density: 29 people/km² , 69 people/mile²
Time: + 6 hours from Greenwich time (GMT + 06:00)
Currency: Kyrgyz som (KGS), rates are: 1 USD – 70 KGS , 1 Euro – 80 KGS